Sometimes when people are so bombarded with problems and heartaches it makes them feel numb and life become undirected and without meaning. It would be quite a pain to see that we are still alive and have to get up each day to live on with the pain. Somehow life is not fair but God is there to see and feel our heartache. Maybe we ought to cry a barrel of tears before God will hear our emergency calls again. Our body may become weary and so our souls drop dead with frustrations too. Why can't God just end misery and let us be happy, just simply happy? I know that in times like this we ought to pray harder and just do what is needed to fulfill our responsibilities for the day. Each day will bring a new hope and we are not to waste it. We give value to life, we give value to ourselves. Do not despair because help is coming when we least expect it. Just live a just man's life.

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